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Photographer Beginner Tips 2021

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Hi there and thanks for clicking onto this article for a start! 
If your reading this and your thinking of getting into the photography business in the year of 2020 / 2021 then you are reading a piece of work from a amateur photographer. 

How I Got Started: 

I have been shooting photography on the side now for 4-5 years! I started by going out and shooting landscapes for fun. Until I got messages from people asking me how much do I charge for shoots? I didn't know what to say as I only done this for fun. I done my first couple of shoots for free to get a bit of practise in. When I seen the engagement I was getting on social media from the images I was posting I kept getting messages about different styles of shoots. I started with car photography to get use to the natural environments and how to amend to the lighting and weather of outdoors which was great practise! 

Copyrights to Tp Photography

This is the first shot of a seat Leon, Darren the owner came to my facebook page after seeing me do some rough car photography and asked me would I shoot a few snap of his car. I was so excited when I seen this message as I knew my work was getting seen by people all over Ireland. 

Then I had a band ask me to shoot some snaps for them when they are performing for their social media pages! In which I said yes to straight away as this would have been more practise work but I also was getting paid for this, not much but I didn't care because it didn't feel like work for me! 

When I started my photography page professional I thought I would be flooded with jobs as I was doing so well with getting jobs through my personal page! but I got the shock of a month and not one message about shooting photos for anyone! Then I started to put in the work because nothing in life comes to you free! so I was posting in all the communities groups on facebook! all the surrounding area pages! post lots of my work on all platforms of social media, creating video content for advertising plus youtube and suddenly I was getting more interest! I got my first contract with the bank bar in Newry shooting for their night club! 

So after getting a couple of shoots I was more prepared and ready for taking this exciting role on! more people seen my work and contacted me for more bookings but again I was doing this on the side because I wasn't able to take photography on full time because it wasn't enough money to pay the bills so I fitted people in on the weekends. 

At this stage I was doing photography for a year or 2 and I fell in love with the aspect of it, meeting new people, creating content and editing in an office space / bedroom! then showing clients the final product of your work! this was the biggest achievement seeing the clients face light up when they seen their photos! 

I made a massive leap in wedding videos as I had a background of making videos and I had a small knowledge of videoing editing on I movie so I watched a few youtube videos and now I would say I am an expert! other might think different haha..

but this is the story about how I got started getting jobs when I first started my photography business! I made the move to Australia with my partner so its hard to find out then market over here but I have already completed one shoot which turner out amazing! you can check out that blog by clicking here 

Thanks for taking the time out to read by blog and don't forget to check out my social media pages for more of my work:

Thanks from Tony at Tp Photography 


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