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Showing posts from May, 2020

Photographer Beginner Tips 2021

Hi there and thanks for clicking onto this article for a start!  If your reading this and your thinking of getting into the photography business in the year of 2020 / 2021 then you are reading a piece of work from a amateur photographer.  How I Got Started:  I have been shooting photography on the side now for 4-5 years! I started by going out and shooting landscapes for fun. Until I got messages from people asking me how much do I charge for shoots? I didn't know what to say as I only done this for fun. I done my first couple of shoots for free to get a bit of practise in. When I seen the engagement I was getting on social media from the images I was posting I kept getting messages about different styles of shoots. I started with car photography to get use to the natural environments and how to amend to the lighting and weather of outdoors which was great practise!  This is the first shot of a seat Leon, Darren the owner came to my facebook page after seei